Wednesday 1 June 2016

Extra Crunchy Chin Chin


25 g unsalted butter
4 cups self rasing flour
1 cup wholemeal flour
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1 cup nido powdered milk
1/4 tablespoon nutmeg
1/4 cup sugar
6 (1/4) cups water 


  • Combine all ingredients in a bowl except for the water.  Using your finger tips, mix until mixture looks like coarse crumbs. 
  • Add water and mix well until the dough all comes together (as cup sizes may differ, if your dough is not well mixed, please add more water, but little by little).
  • Tip dough onto a work surface, knead until it becomes smooth (good arm exercise, not that I have toned biceps/triceps).
  • Using a rolling pin, roll out in small batches and cut into desired shapes and sizes. (I usually roll mine out thinly, this way it is even more crunchy). 
  • Add oil in a wok/pot/pan and heat up for deep frying.
  • Fry until golden brown
  • Allow to completely cool down before eating. 

Find my other chin chin recipe here 


  1. YES!!! Going to Pin this to make later. Thank you!

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  3. I just did this!!!!! Last year was flop.....this year is on point!!!!

  4. Hello, I noticed on the other chinchin recipe that you used 180g of butter, on this one it says 25g, did you mean 250g?
