Wednesday 28 September 2016

Beef Suya - Ace's Style


780g beef flank or ribeye steak (thinly sliced)
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon honey
3 tablespoons olive oil

Oil for frying (deep frying or shallow frying)
Foodace Suya spice for sprinkling


** Pre heat grill, gas 2 or medium heat. **

1. Place sliced beef in a bowl, add salt, olive oil and Foodace Suya Spice, massage on the beef slices, to ensure they are all coated.

2. Thread  seasoned beef slices onto the skewers.

3. Heat up oil for deep frying (use old oil if possible). Once heated, fry beef skewers for 4 - 5 minutes or until meat is tender/cooked.

4. Once cooked, transfer skewers to a baking tray, sprinkle Foodace Suya Spice on the beef skewers (you can sprinkle as much as you like).

5. Sprinkle oil on the Skewers and place under the grill, allow to grill for 2-3 minutes.

6. Turn off grill and eat the yummy SUYA.


  1. Can an oven be used instead of a grill

  2. Please can the suya spice be shipped outside UK?

  3. Please can the suya spice be shipped outside UK?

  4. Hello ma, please how can I get your spices in Nigeria?
