Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Beef Suya - Ace's Style


780g beef flank or ribeye steak (thinly sliced)
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon honey
3 tablespoons olive oil

Oil for frying (deep frying or shallow frying)
Foodace Suya spice for sprinkling


** Pre heat grill, gas 2 or medium heat. **

1. Place sliced beef in a bowl, add salt, olive oil and Foodace Suya Spice, massage on the beef slices, to ensure they are all coated.

2. Thread  seasoned beef slices onto the skewers.

3. Heat up oil for deep frying (use old oil if possible). Once heated, fry beef skewers for 4 - 5 minutes or until meat is tender/cooked.

4. Once cooked, transfer skewers to a baking tray, sprinkle Foodace Suya Spice on the beef skewers (you can sprinkle as much as you like).

5. Sprinkle oil on the Skewers and place under the grill, allow to grill for 2-3 minutes.

6. Turn off grill and eat the yummy SUYA.

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Spicy Beef Sauce


2 paprika peppers
1 red onion 
6 pieces of cooked beef (chopped onto smaller pieces)
1 Knorr cube 
3 tablespoons coconut oil 
1/4 tablespoon Foodace Suya spice 
4 tablespoons chilli flakes 
3 tablespoons beef stock 


1. Place paprika peppers and onion in a food processor, process until roughly chopped.

2. Place a work over a high heat, add oil and then the chopped meat. Fry until meat browns.

3. Then add the roughly chopped onion and pepper mix. Fry for about 2 minutes, season with Knorr cube and suya spice.

4. Continue frying for the next 7 minutes, stir occasionally.

5. After the time has elapsed, add the beef stock and chilli flakes, at this point lower the gas heat to the lowest. Allow to simmer for the next 3 minutes and turn off gas.

6. Enjoy.

Sunday, 25 September 2016

Granola - Foodace Style


4 cups old fashion oats 
1 cup porridge oat 
1/2 cup maple syrup
2 tablespoons Lotus Biscuit spread
1/3 cup ground almond 
1/3 cup flaxseed
1 tablespoon cocoa powder


1. Pre heat oven, gas 120 degrees Celsius. On a baking tray, place the dry ingredients except the cocoa powder.

2. Place a frying pan over a medium heat, add maple syrup, biscuit spread and cocoa powder. Stir until all mix together. Once the mixture start bubbling, turn off the heat.

3. Pour the mixture over the oats, using a fork, mix all together ensuring that the oats are well coated.

4. Put on a pair of gloves, mix further. Spread them out on the baking tray. You may wish to use two trays.

5. Place in the oven and leave for 30 - 45 minutes or until golden and crunchy.

6. Leave to cool before storing in an air tight jar.

Vanilla "Love" Biscuits

These biscuits speak for themselves, just the aroma that fills the kitchen when  in the oven says it all. These  crunchy goodness are so easy to prepare, requires only 6 ingredients and stays in the oven for just 15 minutes. The only issue is that they never last in my house!!!!! Bake these biscuits for your loved ones and they will love you forever and ever... Here we go

3 cups of strong bread flour or plain flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
225g butter (diced)
1/2 cup plus 1/3 cup sugar
1 tablespoon whole milk
1 egg
Little vanilla bean paste or 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract


1. Pre-heat oven to gas 160 degrees celsius. Place the butter and sugar in a bowl of a stand mixer; beat until pale and fluffy. 

2. Add egg, vanilla, milk and beat for 2 minutes. 

3. Sift in the flour and salt in small batches. Change the hook of the stand mixer to a dough hook, mix until well combined. (at this point, I use my hands just so the dough can bind).

4. Place the dough in between cling films, flatten and put in the fridge for 30 - 45 minutes.

5. Cut out your shapes and place cut out biscuits on a lined baking tray. Place in the oven and bake for 15 minutes.

6. Leave to cool down... Enjoy with cold milk

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Homemade Parsley & Garlic in Avocado oil

Garlic and Parsley in avocado is just what every home needs to spice up their daily meals. This oil smells amazingly great and can be used in every dish. I just made fried Jack fish and kale stew and added this oil, the flavour was out of this world. Just look at this amazing goodness in a jar.

20 garlic cloves 
27g parsley 
1/3 cup chilli flakes 
1 tablespoon Foodace Grill Mix (can be purchased from
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup avocado oil (or any oil of choice).
1. Place all ingredients except for the chilli flakes in a mortar and pound. 
2. once ready, heat up oil and throw all ingredients in the oil. 
3. Fry for about 4 minutes and oil is ready for use. so easy to make. 

Friday, 2 September 2016

Extra Spicy Pepper Sauce; Recipe from my #NaijaDiaries

Habañero peppers, we all know are extra spicy and the yellow ones (Ose Nsukka) are so flavour rich. I was born in Nsukka, so I grew up cooking with these peppers, the unique flavour it gives food is just amazing. When @forthworthfarms (check them out on Instagram) gifted me a bagful of these peppers, I just knew I was going to create another pepper sauce recipe.

This extra spicy pepper sauce is so essential in our everyday cooking; for splashing over favourite meals, spicing up boring foods, for that extra flavour in stews or even soups, as salad dressing, smallchops sauce and even in making your sandwiches extra spicy. The list is endless. The absolute best thing about making your own sauce?? You can bottle it up in small chic container, put in your handbag and take it with you to restaurants. Oh yes, some restaurant foods need spicing up...

Usually, when I make my pepper/chilli sauce, I use food processor to process some of the ingredients. But for this recipe, I used blender to blend all ingredients except for the seasoning cubes and oil. Here is how to go about making this sauce:

Ingredients Required

1 pack habañero peppers from @Forthworthfarms (I used 28 pieces)
1 medium red bell pepper
1 medium green bell pepper
1 and 1/2 onions
1/2 cup canola oil (or any oil of choice)
2 maggi chicken
4 Nchuawu leaves (scent leaves)
I pack spring onions (from Shoprite Nigeria)
Water (About 1/4 cup just to make blending easier)


1. Add all ingredients in a blender except for the oil and seasoning cubes. Blend until smooth.

2. Add the blended mix in to a sauce pan or pot, place over a medium heat, boil until all the water evapourates.

3. Add oil, seasoning cubes and extra 4 tablespoons water. Simmer for 5 - 6 minutes.

4. Allow to cool down before refrigerating.